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Friday, 11th October 2024
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2-Storey  4-bedroom units


Dear Visitor,

Below you will find our 2-storey 4-bedroom units in series of 2 or 3. If you find a model of your choice you may click on the download icon, whereupon you will be navigated to the page comprising your choice. The model pages will show the side elevations of the unit, floor plans which can be enlarged on-line and a general description regarding bathrooms, bedrooms, kitchens, total sided areas, deck areas and building spaces required. The following codes are used:


S = sided area,

D= deck area,

B = Balcony

[K] refers to the possibility that a kitchen or kitchenette can be included,

 magnifying-glassA render or picture of the model can be viewed if you notice a magnifying glass in the model box. Click on the yellow highlighted model name to view.


Dot-1  A picture of the model is available if you notice a blue spot. Click on it to view the picture.


2-Storeys 4-bedroom-01
S ground floor = 122.9 m2 (1,184 sqft)
S 2nd floor = 101.2 m2 (1,089 sqft)
D = 56.4 m2 (607 sqft)
B = 21.3 m2 (229 sqft)

download-iconLink me to the map with the 3 models shown above (floor plans and all elevations).



Prefab World Bali

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"Stunning web site............".
Review from: Mr. Hans Schroeder, S-Africa
Project: Wine tasting kiosk + cafetaria for Stark-Conde winery at Stellenbosch
Date: 28-10-2014
Rating: 5 out of 5.

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