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Date & Time in Bali


Saturday, 7th December 2024
9:33:49 pm

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The great variaty in moisture content in wood means that each species requires either less or more time to dry down to the desired moisture content. When air drying the aim is to dry to a 25-percent moisture content. Then, they're ready for the kiln where they'll be reduced to about ten percent.

Without a kiln (oven), the least achievement would be an air-dry moisture content of 15-20 percent. Further moisture reduction occurs when the wood is moved  to either indoors or outdoors with a proper cover where they'll eventually reach their equilibrium moisture content (EMC). (Note: The EMC equals a point where the wood neither takes on nor loses moisture due to the atmosphere.)

According to the U.S. Forest Service's Forest Products Laboratory in Madison, Wisconsin, it takes 1"-thick green boards from 45-60 days to air dry to 15-20 percent moisture content in sunny, temperate, not-too-humid weather.  Bali has an optimal environment to air dry wood, however, the drying process can prove slower, taking three or four months before the wood reaches its EMC and can be worked. Achieving workable stock means starting with a proper stack.


 Improper-air-drying   Drying-stack 
 Improper way to air dry          Proper way to air dry
Prefab World Bali

Reviews from Prefab World Bali

"I am the project leader for the development of some large houses to be constructed on the island of Kauai. I have thoroughly investigated the option of builing on site versus purhasing the pre-fab home from Baliprefabworld. I am convinced that working with Baliprefabworld is the most economical, efficient and effective way to go. The beauty and aesthetics of these homes are truly wonderful. We are planning to work with Baliprefabworld to use a variety of their standard models to design the home we want. The professionalism, quality of materials, and design capacity of Baliprefabworld is exemplary".
Review from: Steven Ott, Berkeley, USA
Project: Resort for Kauai, Hawaii
Date: 08-10-2014
Rating: 5 out of 5.

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