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Lumbung models type Fuchsia and Dahlia

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Model FUCHSIA-A, Code E-7A


 Fuchsia-A floorplan-1  Fuchsia-A floorplan-2  Fuchsia-A right side elevation
 Ground floor plan  2nd floor plan  Front elevation

 Fuchsia-A right side elevation  Fuchsia-A left side elevation  Fuchsia-A rear elevation

 Right side elevation

 Left side elevation Rear elevation


Total net. interior sided area: Ground floor: 17.3 m2 (186 sqft),
2nd floor: 17.1 m2 (184 sqft)
Deck: 2.6 m2 (28 sqft). Balcony: 7.7 m2 (83 sqft)

Building footprint area: 3.64 x 6.27 meter (11' - 11 3/8" x 20' - 7")
Roof edge footprint area: 5.98 x 8.33 meter (19' - 7 1/2" x 27' - 4 1/8")

Dot-1 Pictures available. Click on the blue dot



Model FUCHSIA-B, Code E-7B


 Fuchsia-B  Fuchsia-B floorplan-2  Fuchsia_B front elevation
 Ground floor plan  2nd floor plan  Front elevation

 Fuchsia-B right side elevation  Fuchsia-B left side elevation  Fuchsia-B rear elevation

 Right side elevation

 Left side elevation  Rear elevation

Total net. interior sided area: Ground floor: 24 m2 (258 sqft),
2nd floor: 17.1 m2 (184 sqft)
Deck: 2.6 m2 (28 sqft). Balcony: 7.7 m2 (83 sqft)

Building footprint area: 3.63 x 7.67 meter (18' - 7 7/8" x 25' - 1 7/8")
Roof edge footprint area: 7.00 x 8.33 meter (23' - 0" x 27' - 4 1/8")

Dot-1 Picture available. Click on the blue dot


Model DAHLIA, Code E-8


 Dahlia  Dahlia floorplan-2  Dahlia front elevation
 Ground floor plan  2nd floor plan  Front elevation

 Dahlia right side elevation  Dahlia left side elevation  Dahlia rear elevation

 Right side elevation

 Left side elevation  Rear elevation


Total net. interior sided area: Ground floor: carpark 18 m2 (194 sqft),

2nd floor: 17.1 m2 (184 sqft)
Deck: 2.6 m2 (28 sqft). Balcony: 7.7 m2 (83 sqft)

Building footprint area: 3.64 x 6.27 meter (11' - 11 3/8" x 20' - 7")
Roof edge footprint area: 5.98 x 8.33 meter (19' - 7 1/2" x 27' - 4 1/8")

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