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1 WOOD (general)
2. WOOD (walls, floors, roofs)
CATEGORY 1: WOOD (general)
101 | What is the advantage of using Bangkirai hardwood rather than the cheaper Coconut wood |
Bangkirai is a Tropical Hardwood. Coconut wood is a softwood. There exist only four wood species in Indonesia which are not susceptible to termite attacks (white ants), these are in order of costs (the highest first): Jati Teak, Iron wood, Merbau and Bangkirai. Since Bangkirai is the cheapest of the three non-susceptible timbers, but has similar strength, we use this wood for our houses and gazebos. NOTE: Coconut wood is loved by termites. A house built in a termite infested area may be devoured in a nick of time. Refer also to question 403. |
102 | We were informed that Merbau is also safe to termite attacks. Is this correct? We were informed that Merbau is also safe to termite attacks. Is this correct? |
Partly yes and partly no. The part of Merbau which is not susceptible to termite attacks comes from the heartwood, the inner core of the tree. This is called class I Merbau. The disadvantage is, however, that the price is about 50% higher than the sapwood that surrounds the heartwood (the outer core of the tree). Reference is also made to Category 4. |
103 | What is "durability" of wood? |
The answer to this question can be found <here> |
104 | I would like to catch rain water from the roof and store this in a cistern. I would like to use the Iron wood shingles for the roof. Can I safely drink the water collected from the roof that has come in contact with Iron wood? |
Iron wood is a non-poisonous type of wood and does not contain any chemical substance which is harmful for humans. Since Iron wood is extremely durable no chemical preservatives or water repellent sealers need to be applied to maintain durability. As such the wood will retain its genuine natural condition. Nonetheless we advise that a purifier be used to clean the rain water. We advise you always to check with the Authorities whether the use of Iron wood shingles is allowed for rain water catching roofs. |
105 | We have been informed that the Counties in the USA do not recognize some tropical hardwoods. How do you cope with this? |
The USA Codes and Requirements for structures are extremely protective as to their own local building materials. Although world-wide any tropical hardwood is recognized and allowed to be used, the USA does not stand out. The latest Codes and requirements (IBC 2018) still do not deal with tropical hardwoods. For many engineers this is a dilemma in how to approach this problem since most tropical hardwoods are 4 to 5 times stronger than any local North American wood. In fact there is no proper solution for this problem until the Code Councils will adapt tropical hardwood as being a building material that is allowed to be used in the USA. Our experience is that by convincing the County Authorities that tropical hardwood is in average 4 to 5 times stronger than North American construction wood (by prove and evidence obtained from recognized technical papers) the Counties will allow the use. We have a special written permission from the Counties of Hawaii, Maui and Oahu for the use of Indonesian Bangkirai termite resistant hardwood. |
106 | You indicate that both Bangkirai and Iron wood have excellent durability qualities with a life time of over 25 years without any protective coating. Will the wood discolor without such protective coating? |
Bangkirai will discolor to a very deep grey, almost black color with small occasional light blackish areas. Iron wood will turn into a grayish brown color |
107 | How thick are Iron wood shingles? |
5 mm (3/16") NOTE: For years Iron wood shingles were not allowed to be exported and we offered a good alternative with another hardwood species. However, since mid 2015, Iron wood shingles are again allowed to be exported. You may read <shingles> and browse to paragraph 4: Hardwood Shingles |
108 | I have been informed that Bangkirai is prone to cracking. Is that true? |
Yes and no. Bangkirai is a type of hardwood that is so dense that any change in moisture content will have an effect on the internal interlocking of the wood cells. By no means we can change that, since it is a natural process. Bangkirai will therefore always show some cracks, however, these are only a fraction of a mm and in some cases can hardly be noticed. These cracks will not in any way have influence on the structural integrity, as such, these cracks can be ignored. In some cases, however, Bangkirai may show wider cracks which are caused by air drying. It depends on the depth of the crack whether we will consider changing the part. Normally this is not necessary since the cracks are surface cracks and only a few millimeters deep. |
109 | How old are the trees used for the Bangkirai timber? |
In average 80 to 100 years old |
110 | My country only allows wood felled at legal and Government controlled plantations to be imported. How do I know that your wood is legal? |
The timber that we buy comes either from the Indonesian island of Kalimantan (Bangkirai) or Irian Jaya (Merbau). Even since we are part of Indonesia ( Bali ) we are not allowed to be supplied with logs. This is the first step of the Indonesian Government to crack down on illegal logging, since the logs are checked for legal paperwork at origin. The second step to assure that we receive legal timber is the thorough check by Government Authorities in the harbor of Surabaya, Bali's gateway. If the paperwork is in order they allow the shipment to leave (mostly by road). For more detailed information on the legality of wood you may read <V-legal> |
111 | What is the difference between "heartwood" and "hardwood"? |
Heartwood is the core of a tree and the strongest and most dense. Hardwood is the general and collective noun for wood species complying with hardwood qualities |
CATEGORY 2: WOOD (walls, floors, roofs)
201 | How safe are Iron wood shingles against leaking? |
We use the three layer system, while the supporting battens have been cut to exact shape (our little secret) to avoid the shingles from gaping. In addition a layer of aluminum foil is used on top of the plywood base. Refer also to question 205. You may also read item 107 about a total ban on the export of Iron wood shingles |
202 | Can we order a house wihout roof decking? |
Yes. In that case we will only provide the rafters, purlins and battens (if required). |
203 | We have seen prefab houses of which the floors deflected (bended) significantly when walking over. Can you tell us how your floors have been constructed to avoid this? |
It is not a matter of construction. It is a matter of thickness of the floor boards, the intermediate distances of the supporting beams underneath. We use 25 mm thick boards (1 inch) while the supporting beams do not have a greater center to center distance than 500 mm (1’ – 8”). When complying to ths system a person walking over the floor will not notice any effect of deflection |
204 | What is the difference between a single siding and a double siding and when to use a single board and when to use a double board? |
A single siding has a thickness of one board (at the exterior) A double siding has one board at each side (exterior and interiroe) which is separated by 60 mm thick slats onto which the boards are fixed. A single board is sufficiently effective for simple cottages in tropical areas where the interior of the house does not require temperatures to be controlled, since it will not contribute much to lower the temperature inside due to the lack of a cavity. A double board can be insulated via its cavity and is very effective in hot areas and/or areas with significant temperature changes. A double board is also better sound proof compared to a single board, while a double board can hide electrical cables and plumbing lines. |
205 | Can you provide me with a detailed sketch of the build-up and structure of the Iron wood shingle roof? |
Unfortunately not. This is one of our little secrets. Be assured that our Iron wood roof is 100% water proof, even in high winds. What we can say is that we use the three layer system. Refer also to question 201 and 107, |
206 | I have seen a shingle roof blown away from a prefab structure in a semi hurricane. How is that possible? |
First of all that was not one of our houses. Most probably improper or no hurricane anchors at all were used. A roof is normally not blown away due to wind pressure but due to wind suction. A more likely possibility may be that the roof shingles were not properly attached to the supporting frames which may have caused a failure to one or more shingles blowing away. This creates a local vacuum at the leeward side of the roof, causing more shingles to fail. At the end to the day the whole roof goes. We have supplied houses to hurricane areas which sustained occurring hurricanes. |
207 | Can you tell me how your siding boards deal with rain water? |
All exterior siding boards are connected by tongue an groove and have a beveled rain water run-off seal |
301 | Why is the kiln drying of boards so important? |
We would like to refer to <kiln drying> |
302 | What is the difference between oven drying, kiln drying and air drying |
Oven dry and kiln dry is the same except for the wording. Wiht oven drying the timber is placed in an autoclave and heated by hot air. The wood dries out losing enormous amounts of water which is drained from the autoclave. A volume of 20 m3 of timber may need 6 weeks in the autoclave to dry until 15% water content. Air drying is a process whereas the wood is left in the open for months if not a year to dry out. This process is preferred above kiln drying since this is a forced method causing small cracks in the wood. Read <more> |
303 | How much water contains a freshly felled tree? |
The “green” wood of freshly felled trees may have a moisture content anywhere in the range of 30% to over 200%, depending on the species. Refer to the note at the bottom of the <kiln drying> page |
401 | What is the advantage of using Bangkirai Hardwood, rather than the cheaper Coconut wood? |
Bangkirai is a Tropical Hardwood. Coconut wood is a softwood. There exist only four wood species in Indonesia which are not susceptible to termite attacks (white ants), these are in order of costs (the highest first): Jati Teak, Iron wood, Merbau (class 1) and Bangkirai (heartwood only). Since Bangkirai is the cheapest of the four timbers, but has similar strength, we use this wood for our houses and gazebos if a client wishes to safeguard his house aginst termite attack. NOTE: Coconut wood is loved by termites. A house built in a termite infested area may be devoured in a nick of time. More about termites and protective measures <here> |
402 | We were informed that Merbau is also safe to termite attacks. Is this correct? |
Partly yes and partly no. The part of Merbau which is not susceptible to termite attacks comes from the heartwood, the inner core of the tree. This is called class I Merbau. The disadvantage is, however, that the price is about 50% higher than the sapwood that surrounds the heartwood (the outer core of the tree). Refer also to question 403. |
403 | We have heard that in some occasions termites had attacked Bangkirai, while this wood is not susceptible to termite attacks. How is that possible? |
Only Bangkirai heartwood (wood from the core of the tree) is 100% termite resistant. To better understand why termites are still able to attack read this <pests, termites, borers> |
404 | I read on other web sites that both Merbau and Bangkiriai is 100% termite resistant however you contest this on your web site. Can you please clarify? |
A mix of Merbau sap wood and heartwood or Bangkirai sap wood and heartwood is NOT 100% termite resistant due to the existance of sap wood which termites eat. We refer to <termites> which will clarify the issue in detail. |
405 | Can termites eat thru concrete or steel? |
Yes and No. To know more refer to <termites> which will clarify the issue in detail. |
601 | Is it possible to re-assemble the house by your crew at our place? |
Yes we have a crew available for outsourcing. You may contact us via our contact form for more information |
602 | How many persons are required to assemble a house? |
Such mainly depends on how fast you would like to erect it. In principle a few persons can do the job, but this may take some months for a large house. You may add people as much as you like, until the saturation point is reached (the point where adding persons will slow down the process). It is advised that at least a few persons have some experience with Do It Yourself. |
603 | How do I assemble a 2-storey house? |
We will inform you via the assembly manual how and where you need to make temporary stability bracings and a scaffolding. |
604 | What will be the lead time for a house? |
Such depends whether you order one of our standard designs or whether we need to make a tailor made design. We are unable to start any prefabrication if we do not have a design available. Prefabrication requires shop drawings (detailed drawings that show how to cut and profile each an every part). Such drawings can only be prepared after a conceptual and basic design is available. In broad lines the lead time can be reduced with some 6 to 8 weeks if a standard model is chosen. The transfer shipping time is in average 5 to 6 weeks. Prefabrication time depends on the size of the house. |
605 | Can you prefabricate a house in accordance with our drawings? |
Our team of architects and engineers is well able to deal with your requirements. It depends on the magnitude of design work that we need to undertake to enable us to prefabricate the house. In such case we strictly apply our company policy for <architectural works> |
606 | I am a total stranger when it comes to DIY. As such I need people to help me re-assembling the house. Do you provide a team that can do that? |
Yes, we can outsource a full team or a smaller team to assist you that will re-assemble the house for you. Refer to question 601 |
607 | How much will it cost me to have your people re-assembled the house? |
Refer to question 601 |
608 | What is included in the kit? |
Refer to <contents of the kit> |
609 | How do I know that I would not be left with a disordered mountain of wood after I have emptied the container? |
All matching parts are packed together in separate batches. Example: we will pack all floor boards together in sequential order. For instance batch 1 will show an indication “Floor boards 1 thru 20“, batch 2 will be indicated with “Floor boards 21 thru 40”, etc. In the same way the beams and other parts will be packed. The only thing you need to do when emptying the container is storing the packs together with their batch name, thus, floor boards together, siding boards together, main ground floor beams together, etc., etc. In addiotn you will receive a 3-D re-assembly manual shown all part numbers and where and how to install. The parts which are needed first are in the front of the container. |
610 | How do I know where to place the nails for floors and sidings etc? |
We do not use one nail. All connections are fixed by means of threaded steel rods wirh nuts and washers or screws. The screw holes are indicated. You only need to drill thru these screw holes a few cm into the back supports and fix the screw. The bolts only need to be placed and tightened.T |
611 | Do I need to cover the house during re-assembly against rain and sun? |
As long as the flooring and/or siding boards have not yet been installed this is not necessary. In the event that boards have not been treated with a protective coating it is highly recommended that a cover be installed from canvas or otherwise once the boards will be installed. The boards have been kiln dried and thus are extremely sensitive for taking up moist and water. In the event that the boards have been treated with polyurethane stain it is not necessary to cover the house. |
612 | Would it be possible to later dismantle the house and re-build it elsewhere? |
Without any problem, since no nails are used |
701 | What is fumigation and why is it required? |
Fumigation is the process in which gas is used to kill any living creature that may hide in the goods stuffed in the container. This not only holds for spiders, ants, beetles, mice, rats, etc., but also for mildew, seeding grass (for thatch), borers, and other nuisance. In almost all countries in the world fumigation at the port of embarkation is a prerequisite. Thatch need to be fumigated two times, viz; one time with Ethylene Oxide and one time with Methyl Bromide. All wood parts need to be fumigated with Methyl Bromide only. See also question 1704 |
702 | How many containers do I need to shipe my unit? |
Such differs from unit ot unit and depends on the total net volume of wood to be shipped. Shipments can be done with either 20 ft, 40 ft or 40 ft high cube containers. A basic volume can only be provided if we know which of our standard houses you are interested in. For custom or tailor made houses we cannot calculate the basic volume until we have made a conceptual design. In addition the weight may be governing. Bangkirai wood is very heavy (900 kg/m3), as such you may need to ship in 2 or more containers if the weigh is over 23 tons. Our price list provides some estimated cost figures for container shipments. |
703 | What if some parts are broken or damaged during shipment? |
Apart from the fact that we are not responsible for broken parts caused during shipment we supply a number of extra beams and boards in the event that some repair works need to be done at your end. |
704 | Do I need to insure the shipment, and if so how much will that cost? |
You are free to decide whether you want to insure the shipment or not. The costs will be 2% of the declared value on the Pro Forma invoice. |
705 | How will the prefab parts be packed? |
Such depends on the cargo forwarder. We do not pack, stuff or ship. The cargo forwarder collects the goods at our yard, transports it by trucks to their facilities, pack it and stuff the container. Our responsibility ends at the moment the cargo forwarder loads the goods into their trucks. |
706 | Can we choose our own cargo forwarder, and if so, what will be the procedure? |
You may choose your own cargo forwarder. Just log on to internet and search for “ Bali cargo forwarder” |
707 | Can you provide me with the shipping costs to my destination? |
Such is only possible if yu use our interactive price list, which has a price list of the 25 most popular shipping destinations included. If a destinatiosn is not mentioned we need to contact our cargo forwarder who will be able to provide the actual shipping costs, based on our estimated volume. This may take a few days. |
801 | Are your prices FOB? |
No, all our prices are ex. factory. We do not ship by ourselves, instead we have a long working relationship with a Bali cargo forwarder. We can ask them for a quotation however you can also assign your own cargo forwarder. In any case, however, the cargo forwarder needs to collect the goods at our yard. Refer to question 706 |
802 | What is the average square feet price of a unit? |
Such is not exactly to define. It depends on the type of houses and whether this house is a standard type or a custom made house. It also depends on the choice of materials. In general you may reckon on USD. 500/m2 (USD. 46/sqft) for our basic build option up to USD. 1,250/m2 (USD. 88/sqft), for our superior build option, ex factory. In between are the standard and premium build option. Price level: November 2019 and subject to change without prior notice. You may assume that prices will increae with at least 5% per year. |
803 | Can I pay in another currency than USD? |
Yes, but we will use the conversion rate issued by the Bank of Indonesia |
804 | Do we need to pay export taxes? |
No, the export of prefabricated houses is exempted from export tax. You only pay an endorsement fee and a V-legal retribution, which is a small fee per each contiainer and used for reforestation. |
805 | Are your prices negotiable? |
Unfortunately not. |
806 | What is included in the price for the unit? |
Please refer to <what is included in the kit> |
807 | How can I obtain the price list? |
You need to inquire for the price list via the link <Price list> |
901 | is the house designed such that it can withstand hurricane force winds and/.or earthquakes? |
Since our houses are being exported world wide we need to keep the design as simple as possible. A hurricane or earthquake proof house which is exported to a non hurricane or earthquake area will be too expensive for that purpose. However, in the event that a house needs to be built in such a specific area we will adapt and modify the design as to comply with the local regulations. We normally apply the IBC 2018 (International Building Code), the IRC 2018 (International Residence Code) and the ASCE/SEI 7-05 for our structural calculations. In most cases the structure needs to be beefed up and hurricane anchors installed and/or earthquake-safe measures taken. For complicated structures we use our 3-Dimnensional STAAD-III PRO finite element computer program. We have supplied houses to hurricane areas which sustained occurring hurricanes. |
1001 | Do you rubber stamp the drawings for submission to a County in Hawaii? |
Yes, we can, but we are not allowed to. Though are engineers and architects have a University degree they do not have a PE license (only required for the United States). However, we have a close relationship with an engineering company in the USA, who are able to assist us and individuals as to refine designs for local code compliance and obtain building permits. |
1002 | What is ouir guarantee once you have supplied the unit? |
We issue an official warranty. Read <more> |
1003 | Is the foundation included in the design? |
No, but we are well able to advise you which type of foundation is required. See also question 502 and 503 in Category 5. |
1004 | We have seen prefab houses of which the floors deflected (bended) significantly when walking over. Can you tell us how your floors have been constructed to avoid this? |
It is not a matter of construction. It is a matter of thickness of the board and the intermediate distances of the supporting beams underneath. We use 25 mm thick boards (1 inch) while the supporting beams do not have a greater center to center distance than 500 mm (1’ – 8”). When complying to ths system a person walking over the floor will not notice any effect of deflection |
1005 | I have seen a shingle roof blown away from a prefab structure in a semi hurricane. How is that possible? |
First of all that was not one of our houses. Most probably improper or no hurricane anchors at all were used. A roof is normally not blown away due to wind pressure but due to wind suction. A more likely possibility may be that the roof shingles were not properly attached to the supporting frames which may have caused a failure to one or more shingles blowing away. This creates a local vacuum at the leeward side of the roof, causing more shingles to fail. At the end to the day the whole roof goes. We have supplied houses to hurricane areas which sustained occurring hurricanes. |
1006 | We have been informed that the Counties in the USA do not recognize some tropical hardwoods. How do you cope with this? |
The USA Codes and Requirements for structures are extremely protective as to their own local building materials. Although world-wide any tropical hardwood is recognized and allowed to be used, the USA does not stand out. The latest Codes and requirements (IBC 2006) still do not deal with tropical hardwood. For many engineers this is a dilemma in how to approach this problem since most tropical hardwoods are 4 to 5 times stronger than any local North American wood. In fact there is no proper solution for this problem until the Code Councils will adapt tropical hardwood as being a building material that is allowed to be used in the USA . Our experience is that by convincing the County Authorities that tropical hardwood is in average 4 to 5 times stronger than North American construction wood (by prove and evidence) the Counties will allow the use. |
1007 | Can you guarantee that my wooden house will still be standing after a hurricane? |
Unfortunately not. We cannot fight against the power of nature. We can significantly reduce the risk but we cannot 100% guarantee that a house will not have any damage after a hurricane (Hurricane Katrina may have proven this). |
1008 | Is it true that after a year or so, connecting bolts may need to be re-tightened? |
Yes, depending on the level of humidity in your area. If you live in an area with low humidity and changing temperatures from hot to cold between the seasons it may indeed be necessary that bolts be re-tightened after a certain period. The moisture content of wood changes with changing humidity. This may cause some contraction or expansion which is called the breathing effect. This breathing may loosen the bolts a bit. Though not dangerous it is advised to re-tighten the bolts until the wood finds its equilibrium and will stop having an effect on the bolted connections. |
1009 | What are the type of fasteners and fixtures that you use? |
We use stainless steel threaded rods, cut to length and tigthened with a ring and nut. We use stainless steel grede 304 for the standard build models and stainless steel grade 316 (surgical steel) for the premium and superior build models. For screws we use stainless steel Philips type screws. We do not use any nail. Learn more about our stainless steel fixtures <here> |
1101 | How do I pay? |
Please refer to <payment system> |
1102 | What will happen if I have ordered a house which I need to pay in USD or Euro and the Indonesian Rupiah gains or depreciates against these currencies? |
Please refer to <payment system>. |
1201 | Will the shipment be insured? |
The shipment is not insured, but you can add that against a percentage of 3% of the value |
1202 | What is the guarantee once you have supplied the unit? |
We issue an official warranty. Read <more> |
1301 | What is the advantage of using Bangkirai Hardwood, rather than the cheaper Coconut wood |
Bangkirai is a Tropical Hardwood. Coconut wood is a softwood. There exist only three wood species in Indonesia which are not susceptible to termite attacks (white ants), these are in order of costs (the highest first): Jati Teak, Iron wood and Bangkirai. Since Bangkirai is the cheapest of the three non-susceptible timbers we use this wood for our houses and gazebos. NOTE: Coconut wood is loved by termites. A house built in a termite infested area may be devoured in a nick of time. Refer also to question 403. |
1302 | How safe are Iron wood shingle roofs against leaking? |
We use the three layer system, while the underlaying battens have been cut to exact shape (our little secret) to avoid the shingles from gaping. In addition a layer of aluminum foil is used on top of the plywood base. Refer also to question 205. |
1303 | What is the difference between a single siding and a double siding and when to use a single board and when to use a double board? |
A single siding has a thickness of one board (exterior). A double siding has one board at each side (exterior and interior) which is separated by 60 mm thick slats onto which the boards are fixed. A single board is sufficiently effective for simple cottages in tropical areas where the interior of th house deos nto require temeprtaa to be controlled, since it will not contribute much to lower the temperature inside due to the lack of a cavity. A double board can be insulated via its cavity and is very effective in hot areas and/or areas with significant temperature changes. A double board is also better sound proof compared to a single board, while a double board can hide electrical cables and pipe lines. |
1304 | Do you suppy windows with insulated glass? |
Yes, we have many types available |
1305 | I would like to catch rain water from the roof and store this in a cistern. I would like to use the Iron wood shingles for the roof. Can I safely drink the water collected from the roof that has come in contact with Iron wood? |
Iron wood is a non-poisonous type of wood and does not contain any chemical substance that is harmful for human beings. Since Iron wood is extremely durable no chemical preservatives or water repellent sealers need to be applied to maintain durability. As such the wood will retain its genuine natural condition. Nonetheless we advise that a purifier be used to clean the rain water. We advise you always to check with the Authorities whether the use of Iron wood shingles is allowed for rain water catching roofs. |
1306 | I would like to tile the bathroom and toilet with ceramic. Is such possible over wood? |
Without a problem, provided you apply a specially developed method. We have a technical sheet availbale describing in detail how to do it. We will issue this sheet once an order has materialized. |
1501 | Would you be able to fabricate a house in accordance with our drawings? |
Our team of architects and engineers is well able to deal with your requirements. Please refer to <architectural works> |
1601 | Do we need to treat the wood with typical paint that prevents the wood from catching fire? |
You may do that, but it will disguise the beauty of the wood. In fact, when a wooden building catches fire it will remain in tact far longer than a steel building which will collapse soon after the fire is wide spread. You may read this <fire resistance> |
1602 | What is the difference between French polishing and Polyurethane stain? |
French polishing is a mix of Shellac and alcohol and cannot be used for external finishing, since it does not protect against ultra violet light and has low resistance against water. Polyurethane stain has an anti-ultra violet filter and is also a heavy duty coat. Polyurethane stain has excellent resistance against rain, sun, chemicals, scrubbing, solvents, impact and abrasion. To know know more click <wood protection>. |
1603 | I live close to the Ocean. I have very bad experiences with corrosion due to constant the salty aerosol How effective is your finishing in regard to this? |
The use of Acrylic water based coating solves the problem of salty aerosol attacking the underlying wood. Acrylic needs to maintained every 3 to 4 years when close to open ocean. If used in combinaition with Bangkirai you will largely extend the life time of the house for the next 50 years to come, since this type of wood has an extremely good resistance against salt. |
1604 | Do you use a different type of stain for the exterior walls and the floors? |
Not necessary. The floors may need an extra layer of fast drying Acrylic coating |
1605 | Can you tell me what type of finishing I should use for my wooden house? |
Acrylic or an enamel coating the exterior wall, fast acrylic for the floors and a choice between French polishing for the interior walls, columns, etc or Acrylic. French polishing is advised if you would brighten the tone of the wood grain with a beautiful satin finish appearance. |
1606 | What is Acrylic coating? |
Acrylic is an all-in wood finish that combines the durability of a satin Acrylic varnish with the warm and rich colors of a stain. A range of popular ready-mixed colors is available including an environmental friendly version (low VOC's). |
1607 | Does your standard protective coating system any lead? |
Acryllic coating doss not contain any lead and/or mercury and has no photochemically reactive solvents. |
1608 | What do I need to do to touch up a part or parts of the wood which may have become damaged during re-assembly? |
We provide you a free of charge tin of Acryllic and some Shellac flakes to mix with alcohol to touch up the French polishing (if applicable). |
1609 | Can I do a French polishing treatment by myself? |
Yes, indeed. For instructions click <French polishing> |
1610 | Can I later change the type of finishing with Acrylic after I applied a French polishing? |
No, definitely not |
1611 | Would it be possible that I change the finishing into a latex based paint? |
Yes, no problem, but you need to do this by yourself since we do not use Latex. |
1612 | Can I use Acrylic over an earlier painted oil based coating? |
Yes, you can. However, if the oil based coating is more than 5 layers the Acrylic may not hold. |
1701 | Why does Hawaii thatch prohibited from being imported? |
Each County in Hawaii has imposed strict regulations as to the import of thatch (dried alang-alang or any other type of grass). The main reason is that the authorities want to avoid at each price that any foreign creature enter the islands as well as to avoid that mildew and other pests have a chance to grow. Notwithstanding the fact that proper fumigation will kill all the insects and pests, any thatch that is to be imported will immediately be destroyed whereas the costs will be borne by the owner. However, in some cases a County will issue a special license to import thatch. Such license can only be obtained for developing projects which benefit the islands (example: Kauai may issue a license for thatched roofs for resort projects). |
1702 | How long will my thatch roof last? |
Such largely depends on the environment. Thatch loves hot sunny weather and sometimes a rain shower to keep it moist. In hot arid areas it is advised to regularly spray the roof with water as to avoid that the thatch starts deteriorating too fast resulting the thatch to dusting and powdering. If not watered such roofs may not last longer than 5 years. In tropical areas with a high humidity and regular showers the thatch feels best and may last 7 to 8 years. In areas with constant high winds, like trade winds, it is not advised to use thatch. Disadvantagge or thatch: Ir will attract birds and rats to make nests, hence it needs regular maintenance. |
1703 | How is it possible that one roof with thatch is leaking while another roof with similar thatch does not? | |
This has to do with the number of layers of thatch per meter run. In average the distance between thatch panels is 6 to 8 cm. Depending on the pitch of the roof this may be sufficient, however, when the roof pitch is less than 30 deg. thatch panels need to be installed as tightly as possible against each other. This will result in a much ticker thatch covering and thus far better water proof. |
1704 | Why must thatch be fumigated prior to shipment ? | |
Thatch is a natural material (dried Kunai grass) which contains a lot of insects, dirt, small debris, mildew, seeds, etc. Thatch loaded into a container will contain some or all of these pests. Countries want to avoid at each price that such pests have a change to develop or grow, creating a nuisance and/or havoc on its territory. Prior to shipment the container is therefore fumigated. Refer to question 701 |
1801 | Can you send me a set of detailed drawings of type “XX” shown on your web site? |
No, we don’t do that. You can make a screen print of the drawings shown on the model drawinsg pages or you may inquire via our contact form for the rough conceptual design drawings. Alternatively you may buy the <evaluation package> or the <full design> package. |
1802 | Can you provide me a detailed sketch of the build-up and structure of the Iron wood shingle roof? |
Unfortunately not. This is one of our little secrets. Be assured that our Iron wood roof is 100% water proof, even in high winds. What we can say is that we use the three layer system. Refer also to question 201. |
1901 | Would it be possible to supply the bathroom and kitchen appliances? |
Yes, but we need to buy these appliances from local sources. These may either be locally made or imported. |
1902 | Would it be possible that you fabricate all the cabinets that we need? |
Yes |
2001 | Do you supply windows with insulated glass? |
Yes, we have many types available, but we do only fabricate doors and windows part of one of our prefabricated wooden houses. We do not fabricate doors and windows seperately for a single order |
2002 | Are the doors and windows included in the price? |
Doors and windows are included in the price as long as these are based on our standard system and standard glass types and thicknesses. |
2003 | What are the types of doors and windows that you supply with the house? |
In fact we can supply all kinds of doors, such as panel doors, sliding doors, folding doors (bifold, end fold or center fold), louver doors with or without adjustable louvers, French doors, pocket doors, doube swing doors, etc. As for windows we can produce fixed windows, sliding windows, louver windows with or without adjustable louvers, awning windows, French windows, etc. Have a look <here> |
2101 | What is fumigation and why is it required? |
Fumigation is the process in which gas is used to kill any living creature that may hide in the container. This not only holds for spiders, ants, beetles, mice, rats, etc., but also for mildew, seeding grass (for thatch), borers, and other nuisance. In almost all countries in the world fumigation at the port of embarkation is a prerequisite. Thatch need to be fumigated two times, viz; one time with Ethylene Oxide and one time with Methyl Bromide. All wood parts need to be fumigated with Methyl Bromide only. |
2102 | Why must thatch be fumigated? |
Thatch is a natural material (dried Kunai brass) which contains a lot of insects, dirt, small debris, mildew, seeds, etc. Thatch loaded into a container will contain some or all of these pests. Countries want to avoid at each price that such pests have a change to develop or grow, creating a nuisance and/or havoc on its territory. Prior to shipment the container is therefore fumigated. |
2103 | What is an ETO certificate? |
This is a Certificate that many countries require to be submitted with a shipment containing thatch. This Certificate provides prove and evidence that the thatch has been fumigated with both Ethylene Oxide and Methyl Bromide. An ETO certificate is different compared to a Phytosanitary certificate. Read <more> |
2103 | Do I need to pay for fumigation while my shipment does not contain thatch but just wood? |
Yes, fumigation is mandatory. In the case of the container containing only wood fumigation with Ethylene Oxide is required. |
2201 | Do you issue a warranty? |
Unlike other companies we issue a written guarantee. We will issue this warranty afer an order has materialized. <more> |