Why do we apply the International Building Codes
All the drawings and structural calculations for our tropical wooden houses are in principle be prepared in accordance with the IBC 2018 (International Building Code), issued by the USA International Code Council. For the USA we will apply the amendments to the IBC which may differ from county to county. The IBC is available for adaption and use by jurisdictions internationally. Its use wihtin a governmental jurisdiction is intended to be accomplished through adoption by reference in accordance with proceedings estblishing the jurisdiction's laws.
As such a number of countries have allowed the use of the IBC, whereas drawings and structural calculations will be dealt with as if it were based on its own (often non existent) codes and regulations.
Countries and areas where the IBC codes may apply: African continent, Arabian continent, Caribbean islands, Mid Americas, Pacific islands and a number of S-E Asian countries.
For the European countries we will comply with the Eurocode. For France and its territories we will draft the structural report both in the French and English language.