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A site plan, often called a master plan is an architectural plan, landscape architecture document, and/or a detailed engineering drawing of proposed improvements to a given lot. A master plan usually shows a building footprint, travelways, parking, drainage facilities, sanitary sewer lines, water lines, trails, lighting, landscaping and garden elements and is normally required by the local Building Authority, Counsil or county to be submitted wiht the drawings and/or structural calculations to obtain a building approval.

Such a plan of a site is a "graphic representation of the arrangement of buildings, parking, drives, landscaping and any other structure that is part of a development project".

A master plan can also be a "set of construction drawings that a builder or contractor uses to make improvements to a property. 

Counties can use the master plan to verify that development codes are being met and as a historical resource. Master plans can only be prepared by a design consultant who must be either a licensed engineer, architect, landscape architect or land surveyor. Our company has all of these persons under its employment.

A full and detailed site plan comprises the following:
- Property lines
- Set-back lines
- Location and distances between buildings
- Existing and proposed conditions
- Lighting poles
- Parking
- Driveways
- Surrounding streets
- Landscaped areas
- Easements
- Fire hydrants
- Plumbing lines and/or the location of septic tanks and/or a water treatment plant
- Potable water lines
- Revetments
- Elecrical grid system 
- Utilities

 We offer the preparation of site plans comprising the above and/or more depending on the local county's requirements.  You may < contact us > for a cost proposal. 


Prefab World Bali

Reviews from Prefab World Bali

"I contacted Prefabworld Bali International while looking for a suitable contractor to design and build a Joglo style structure above the existing flat roof of our house in Canggu. Bali. The builder we had used for the house had not installed the sealing membrane properly and we were plagued by leaks and had decided to build the additional structure to help keep the water out and give us some really nice additional space on top of the house looking at over the rice fields. "

I was very concerned about getting a proper design that was both strong enough to withstand the occasional high winds and not degrade the integrity our house – basically we did not want the Joglo to end up in the rice field and leave a big hole in the roof where it had been attached!

Prefabworld Bali International was extremely professional in every aspect – they managed to design a structure that was strong, did what we wanted and looked good.

The installation went as planned and we are completely satisfied with the end result.

I would definitely use Prefabworld Bali International again!

Review from: Don Silcock, Canggu, Bali, Indonesia
Project: Joglo roof
Date: 31-01-2016
Rating: 5 out of 5.

Read more testimonials from Prefabworld Bali International: click here
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