Our web site does not provide a possibility to contact us via our regular e-mail address, instead you need to contact us via one or our contact forms and verify that your are not a robot. This will avoid that your e-mail may be recongized by our spam filter as being spam and automatically be sent to our junk and spam mailbox. Any scam mail will readily be recognized by our scam filter and deleted within seconds. Any zip file attached to an e-mail will be deleted if the sender is not known to us. Once you have sent us a message thru our contact form your e-mail address will be added to our safe senders list, whereas you will be alble to e-mall us via our regular e-mail address for continuing communication or future contacts.
We strongly advise our visitors expecting an e-mail reply from us to have their spam filters checked. We wil not respond on spam controlling messages from the sender by filling in a small questionnaire as to have us cleared and added to the approved list.
You may contact us via Skype for product and pricing information, however, do not contact us via skype in an attempt to sell a product or propose any services. Your contact requests will be blocked immediately and indecent proposals be reported to the Skype abuse team. We advise you to add the following note for a first Skype contact request: "Bona fide user". If you have a product to sell you may contact us via our contact form.